Queensland Australia NWTA March 25

14mar(mar 14)6:00 pm16(mar 16)3:00 pmQueensland Australia NWTA March 25Learn more...

Event Details

Register for this amazing journey!

Our flagship training, the New Warrior Training Adventure has been held in 23 countries and started back in 1983. Designed to provide every man who attends with the opportunities to discard the burdens he has carried, this training changes men’s lives.

The Adventure is a modern male Rites of Passage/Initiation and self-examination. We believe that this is crucial to the development of a healthy and mature male self, no matter how old a man is. It is the “Hero’s Journey” of classical literature and myth that has nearly disappeared in modern culture

The training is designed to help you step out of your ‘ordinary’ life into an ‘extra-ordinary’ space, from where you will be able to see yourself and your life with greater clarity. You are asked to organise your life so you can be fully engaged in the training for its entire duration. From arrival on Friday to departure on Sunday, you will not have access to cars, computers or phones, (except for emergencies). On the following Tuesday evening we come together in a “Homecoming”, so you will need to have the Tuesday night clear in your calendar as well as the Friday night and weekend.

There is more information at www.mkpqld.org.au

START TIME: Friday evening 6:00 pm
END TIME: Sunday afternoon around 3:00 pm

Local Contacts:
Enrolment Manager  –  John Davie – 1300 657 753 –  enrolments@mkpqld.org.au
Chris Glover  –  0493 893 258 –  admin@mkpqld.org.au

Register Now: events.humanitix.com/new-warrior-training-adventure-march-2025

Learn more…


14 March 2025 6:00pm - 16 March 2025 3:00pm(GMT+10:00)

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