State SA


Current Month


30jul Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

31jul Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome


07aug Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

13aug Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

14aug Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

21aug Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

27aug Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

28aug Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome


04sep Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

10sep Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

11sep Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

18sep Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

24sep Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

25sep Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome


02oct Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

08oct Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

09oct Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

16oct Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

22oct Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

23oct Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

30oct Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome


05nov Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

06nov Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

13nov Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

19nov Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

20nov Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome

27nov Henley Beach i-GroupWEEKLY - Open Men’s Circle - all individuals welcome