Contact Juan for exact location of meetings

Upcoming Events

Current Month


30jul Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP


13aug Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

27aug Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP


10sep Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

24sep Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP


08oct Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

22oct Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP


05nov Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP

19nov Port Willunga Men's Circle i-GroupFORTNIGHTLY - Men's group affiliated with MKP